Day 7: The Last Day

Friday the 17th - dun dun dunnnn

By: Grant, Olivia and Gabriel

Breakfast was abso fantastic. MMM BAGEL. Oh btw this is Grant, Olivia and Gabriel. After breakfast, Bob Cameron came and spoke to us about the Windsor community and his perish model of a church, informing us on all that himself and his peers do in their community. It was awesome to hear his story and how they plan on growing their projects. Everyone was wanting to know more, as many questions were asked. We ended our visit with Bob by praying as a group for him.

Next came lunch, we had chicken parm and roast beef sandwiches’ which were scrumdidlydumptious. Yeah, you heard that right. We soon finished lunch and headed over to Matthews House, where we then began to sand the walls in preparation for our painting as well as organizing clothing donations. Then, we started painting the hallway walls, in hopes that the fresh coat of paint would make the space feel new and refreshed. While painting we had many interactions with the children. They were eager to chat with us and wanted to help us paint (and find out Olivia’s Roblox account).

Once we finished painting, we cleaned the halls and then we went to dinner. It was veal and stir-fry night. Shoutout to Feeding Windsor! On the way home from dinner we stopped at Mc. Donys (we changed the names for copyright purposes) for a quick little shnackkk, they had no shamrock shakes, so we went to another one which also did not have them, so instead we got vanilla and strawberry shakes!  

Later, we all went back to the church, there we played pool and we also played a game that’s a lot like Among Us… and ummm, it was something.  Something incredible, that’s for sure. We also played some games in the gym then made our way to bed.

Overall, this day was astounding as well as our entire week. As we recap and reflect, we are both happy for all that has happened this week but also sad to leave it all behind, and return home. Our Windsor experience was truly out of this world and we could not be any more grateful for the opportunities that we were given.