Windsor 2023: Final Thoughts

It has been less than 48 hours since getting home from Windsor… and I am still overwhelmed by how God has moved in and through the team last week. There are no words to accurately capture the full impact the team had on the ministries we partnered with or even the impact the students had on each other. From the “top of our lungs” singing on the drives, to getting their hands dirty while cleaning, to sprints down the road to get the next food donation, to deep conversations and questions, to crazy awesome prayer times and devos, to caring for each other when someone wasn’t feeling 100% to endlessly asking, “What can I do next?”… these students were amazing!

As the leaders and I spoke, this is a few of their comments:

“I could easily talk for hours about this mission trip and how incredible God was. I am beyond blessed to have had this experience with these students and to form or strengthen relationships with each of them as we helped in a community that so desperately needs God. There’s too many stories to share. I encourage everyone to ask anybody on of the team how God was at work through this team so that they too will be encouraged through the power of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit.” ~ Tymon

“My highlight was definitely driving the students around, sharing all their different music tastes and singing every song at the top of their lungs… no energy was wasted or lost. I also LOVED watching their teamwork during the warehouse, they were so proud of their work and were so encouraging with one another. 
Along with house of hope, they were always asking for the next job and never complained about it… and they always made it fun, music blasting and keeping their energy at a high.”
~ Dee

“This past week I was deeply moved by watching our students interact and serve using the gifts that God so clearly gave each of them. The senior high students who came as leaders really impressed me by stepping up and taking the junior highs under their wings. They didn’t just boss the kids around, they led by example and got the junior highs excited to join them. The junior highs were also amazing. I kept forgetting how young some of them are as I watched their maturity in dealing with some more grown up situations without complaint such as last minute changing schedules, doing “the dirty” work, and talking with strangers who could be classified as very different from ourselves. Not one person to my knowledge ever whined when given a task. They eagerly and enthusiastically attacked each chore they were given and usually did while singing and dancing. Everyone showed compassion, mercy, and a heart for God beyond their years. I couldn’t be more proud of a group of students. They really laid the ground work for future teams and I hope that they can go on to inspire other students to join in years to come.

All I can say is thank you to the amazing team and thank you to the students who worked so hard and who taught me so much.” ~ Kathryn

We also heard back from several of the ministries we served this week. Everyone was impressed at what a handful of students could accomplish and their willingness to help with anything. One of the women at House of Hope had to fight back tears while sharing her appreciation for the students and the help they provided. One of her biggest take aways wasn’t the work the students did (although it was deeply appreciated), but the students willingness to engage with the women in kind and gentle ways. She saw the students were not there to simply check a box, but to really care for these women. It’s in these small conversations that confirm the importance and value of this mission experience and it’s ability to have tangible blessings and impact of those we serve.

In a conversation at the UHC Food hub, it was shared that the students did several days work of food hamper assembly, which was going to free them up enough to get some extra work done in their newly acquired warehouse.

I can share stories and stories like these from Ambassador Community Church, Matthew House, Feeding Windsor, and a local food bank… plus multiple conversations with dozens of parents and children, all sharing their deep appreciation for this team.

Thank you to everyone who supported this team financially and prayerfully. Your willingness to give has been a huge support and comfort to these students. The team modeled Christ’s love and grace in all they did last week. If you see anyone from the team, ask them for a highlight of the week…. they’ll have lots to share.

Lastly, join us in praying that as students reflect on last week’s experience, God will continue to challenge them our of their comfort zones while seeking ways to engage and serve in their own circles of influence, in their homes, schools, jobs and communities.

Windsor, we’ll see you in 2024.

ps. For some reason, taking pictures like this was a thing this year. (It looks like a few students didn’t get their picture taken like this… I wish I knew that was an option!) lol. Enjoy!!