Fun Friday…

Today we started off the day by going onto the roof to watch the beauty of the sunrise over the waking town and for our morning devos. Today we talked about worship and how worship isn’t always just singing but can be through many ways such as service or even just taking time to appreciate the little things. Once we had finished that, we headed down for breakfast, all ready for the day.

The first thing we did for our day of rest was going to visit the old town. The old town is a historical part of the DR. While we were in the old town, we got to walk through the Cathedral Primada de America. This is a historical cathedral built in the early 1500’s. We walked through and got to listen to the history of the building. All the architecture and artifacts within the one building was so astonishing. It was so very interesting to be able to learn about the history of the building.  

After that we walked through the market and got introduced to a whole new world of shopping. One of the most drastic differences of shopping at home and here was bartering. Getting to talk to them to try and lower the price was for sure a new and very fun experience. So, we got to go and buy some souvenirs and all that good stuff.

Once we finished at the market, we went to the three eyes. The three eyes is a cave system which holds the lakes inside. This was honestly one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in my life. The water in one lake was an emerald green while one of the other lakes was such a rich blue. The lushness of the greenery was insane especially since we were in a cave. And even just the stillness and silence of it all was breathtaking. We got to go see each of the lakes and just admire the natural beauty of it all.

For our last stop of the day, we went to the beach. For safety reason, we went to a resort beach. While there, we had a scrumptious lunch and got to swim in the ocean. The water there was so very clear and such an amazing colour.

Once we got back to the compound, we had a very scrum-dittily-umptious dinner and then went to our daily debrief. During this, we talked about not only today but the trip as a whole. We then finished off our night by spending time as a team and just swimming and having a good time together. I know that one of the things I will miss most is being with the team, so it was nice to spend as much time as possible with them all :)

Abby, Nick