Sunday, the day of rest…

We started off the day by attending the 10 am service at Open Walls Church. They were so excited to have us as a missions team, Compass teams specifically, because we’ve helped with the building of their church over the years. Worship was in Spanish with English subtitles and there was a translator for the sermon, which made us feel welcome. Prayer time was different than what happens at Compass; we all held hands in a circle and spent time talking to God. It was very intimate as you could feel people’s emotions. At the end of the service we took a group picture and they thanked us for being there.

After lunch, we went for a walk and Felix, a leader at the Lighthouse, showed us around his community. There was a lot to see! Many people were relaxing on their front porches, conversing with there family, friends, and people that passed by. A lot of them waved and greeted us too.

Tomorrow will be a full day of construction, so our rest today was beneficial. You’ll hear from the group again tomorrow!

Precious and Reuben :)

Ps. I was the one who told everyone that coconuts kill more people than Sharks and no one believed me (Reuben)