Saturday (by Johnny)

Today was a special day! We joined up with the students of the leadership program at Pilas on an adventure. Specifically, an aqua-adventure at Aquaventure water park. We all climbed into a little bus and embarked on the 2-hour drive to the waterpark. This was a new experience for nearly everyone because this was the farthest the students had gone from there homes. We were seeing a new part of Guatemala together. The ride was full of lots of laughs and conversation. We took in the amazing views as we drove through a valley between two volcanos. It was an amazing and beautiful drive. I will forever remember seeing the kids’ jaws drop, taking in the new scenery and experience.

We arrived at the waterpark and the fun immediately began. We alternated between the different pools with the children. We practiced swimming in a calm shallow pool, played a intense game of tag, and went down some epic water slides. It was constant water fun from 10-3. This waterpark, without exaggeration, will remain a significant moment in the lives of the children. They had so much joy being in the water and trying new things. We watch students overcome fears and attempt big waterslides. When it was time to go, I remember turning around seeing them all sitting in the water, not wanting to leave.

The bus ride home was quieter and held lots of naps. In reflecting on this experience, I am overwhelmed with the emotion of the significance of today. The relationships we have built with these students helped us to have an impactful day. We have so much love for these students, and it was amazing to share this experience with them.  

This was so much more then just giving the students a fun experience. It was about sharing the love of Jesus with them through the relationships we had built. Hearing about their lives and witnessing their reactions today has left a mark on our hearts. That is what mission is all about. Seeing Jesus through relationship and loving others as Christ would. He loves these children more then we ever could and it is a gift to join in with the ministry of Jesus Christ at Aquaventure today.