Day 2 - Sunday

By: Tia, Nathan, & Erika

The morning was tough on everyone because of the time change. Olivia Jr, Tia, Emma, Sophie, Julia, and Erika woke up at 6 am for showers, but because of the time change it felt like 5 am. At around 9 am, everyone got into the vans and headed to Ambassador community church.

Ambassador had a very small congregation, and we doubled the amount of people normally there. The sermon was different from ours. Pastor Darrell, went off script frequently, engaging people from the audience. Darrell was also part of the band, helping with singing the Hymns.

After the service, there was a potluck (with very, very good food), and most of us met some new people, and heard all kinds of different life stories. It truly is remarkable how different life is for people who live just a few hours away from us. After lunch, we stayed late brainstorming ideas and planning activities for two different groups of kids we’re going to work with this week.

The whole team really came together to help out, creating a fun, yet effective, work environment. When we finished all our planning, we changed up our plan a bit, and played nine square in Wigle park (Where we worked on the garden beds last year). We had McDonalds for dinner, and as Mitch put, just our presence as a group brightened up the small building quite a bit. Right after dinner, we went for a short walk up a hill just outside of the city. From the top you could even see the bridge to Detroit. After a couple of good natured snowballs, we went back to Campbell, and had a really fun half game of pharisees. Right before bed we had a quiet devotion as a group, which brings us to now. So goodnight.

That’s the end of day 2, see you tomorrow!