Sunday (by Rod)

It is so good to be back in Guatemala for 2023 with a new team of Young Adults!

Our first full day was filled with learning and laughter! We enjoyed times in the Sunday morning board games ministry… which was such a easy place to get to meet students and teachers and even practice our Spanish together. This was followed by a lunch and community time with the PILAS teachers. We all took turns sharing things about ourselves and there was lots of laughs as we tried different Spanish words!

After a short break, we headed to church for 4pm. Due to the markets running on Sunday mornings, it is common for churches to run in the evenings after the markets are closed. We then wrapped up our day spending time as a team debriefing our day and experience so far.

This is all the ‘what’ of our day. We did A, B, and C and learned new things and had fun as a team.

But, there was so much more to our first full day in Guatemala.

We formed new friendships with the PILAS leaders.

We deepened friendships with the team and others we already knew.

We saw God at work as we listened about the history and the “why” of PILAS and translated the message during the church service.

We journeyed as a team in God’s Kingdom in this part of His world. We were able to encourage and share where we saw God at work in this community and in each other. We discussed with anticipation what God has for us in the week ahead and we can’t wait.

We are thankful for all the prep to get here, the prayers and support to make this experience a reality.

We are thankful for safe and uneventful travels.

We are thankful for this day that God has given us.

God is good!

Ps. We were also blessed with the technology that allowed us to listen and watch the 9am service at Compass!