The Young Adult Ministry at Compass is geared towards Adults between the ages of 18-28.

Weekly Gatherings (Orangeville)

Tuesdays: We meet most weeks between 7:30-9:00pm at our Orangeville site. A typical evening consists of teaching and discussions and some acoustic worship at the end. Once every four to six weeks, we’ll change things up and host a games or special event night. To get more information on our current teaching series and events, please join our Facebook Group or follow us on Instagram.

Young Adults Retreat

The Young Adult Retreat is like a relaxing weekend at a good friend’s cottage, but we can bring ALL of our friends! We usually have a few times of worship and discussions planned, but other than that, it’s an open weekend to relax, play sports, read, or whatever you need.

Mission Experiences

Beginning in 2022 we began partnering with PILAS in Guatemala, and this has become our new home for young adult mission experiences. PILAS is such an incredible ministry that will both challenge and excite young adults who get to participate, and is a perfect next level mission experience for Young Adults. You can read about our past team experiences here.

Applications for the 2024 Guatemala Mission Experience will are now closed. For more information, you can email Tymon Kozlowski.