Day 3 - Windsor Team Update

Another great day at Ambassador Baptist!

We had a few new campers and we all enjoyed fun with science and creating beautiful paper flowers in crafts. The sun was shining, so we also had fun running outside. As always, our time of worship was full of energy and some might even say it was a cardio workout, but so much fun!

Each day, we have a skit tied to our theme as we explore how God has uniquely gifted each one of us. Tymon, as the ring master, has a special guest trying out to join the team and we were blessed with Sathya (bearded women?) and her amazing singing voice!

The afternoon allowed everyone to burn off a bit of energy during a hike through Maldon Hills in Windsor and after dinner, we had a great follow up conversation/discussion around what we saw and heard during our walk in the Downtown Collaborative. We discussed some deep stuff with these guys as we wrestled with the idea of God’s abundance and his Love for the less fortunate. We plan to come back to the conversation later in the week as we try to share ideas on how God might be calling us to be His light in the dark places in our community/schools.

Parents, you need to be proud of your daughter/son on this trip. God is good and it is a joy to see him working in and through this team.